Age: 16-18
Date of interview: 12/10/12
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Recorded: First floor
SST: “When you think horror what do you think?”
J: “I think of something like paranormal
activities, that kind of stuff, stuff I wouldn’t normally watch.”
SST: “Okay.”
J: “But I know
there is more than just that.”
SST: “Would you normally choose
to watch comedy horror? If yes, why?”
J: “Sure, yeah, I would because, it’s
like normal comedy but the horror aspect makes it more entertaining, like you
wouldn’t get bored of it”
SST: “Okay then.
Could you give
me an example of a structure of a comedy horror? For example when might something
happen in the film? So, how it would resolve or begin.”
J: “I don’t
know what you mean really.”
SST: “Well, the setup of a
comedy horror. So, how it would progress throughout?”
J: “So the
initial situation and what happens?”
SST “Yeah.”
J: “They tend to start out with a family
or normally with two friends or something like this and then the horror comes
in like zombies and then will end in a funny way. It won’t be resolved it will
just be funny.”
SST: “Okay.
What is your
favourite type of character in a comedy horror? Is it the hero or the villain
like a zombie or something?”
J: “Well, it
would have to be the hero.”
SST: “Why?
Just because
that’s the normal thing to go for?”
J: “Yeah, I
SST: “Do you prefer realistic or
unrealistic story lines? Do you like zombies or a murderer?”
J: “In comedy
SST: “Yeah”
J: “Unrealistic
SST: “So zombies and that type of thing then?”
J: “Yeah,
SST: “Okay
What horror
villain category do you prefer? E.g. vampire, zombies, monsters, freaks, toys,
children. What scares you most?”
J: “I’ll go
with zombies.”
SST: “Why?”
J: “Zombies
aren’t scary but I like the idea.”
SST: “What do you mean you ‘like the idea’? You mean it’s fun?”
J: “Yeah, I mean it’s a good thing to
have in comedy horror, like it has a lot of potential.”
SST: “Okay.”
J: “Also supernatural
things like poltergeist. Have you seen it?”
SST: “Yes.”
J: “It’s
scarier but it’s got less like comedy value.”
SST: “How would you say the
comedy normal fits in a horror comedy? So what makes it funny normally?”
J: “It will be like, okay, take an
example like ‘Shaun of the Dead’, the situation they’re in is pretty dangerous
but they’re just mucking about.”
SST: “Fair enough.”
J: “So, I
don’t know.”
SST: “So, making silly lines.”
J: “Yeah, that
sort of thing.”
SST: “Okay.”
J: “So not taking
it seriously.”
SST: “Even when they’re in a death like situation.”
J: “Exactly.”
SST: “What would you say the
face of horror is? So what face comes to mind when you think horror? For
example when someone says to me horror I think Frankenstein.”
J: “Yeah, I
would go with Frankenstein or Dracula.”
SST: “Oh, ok, original films.”
J: “Gothic
horror sort of thing.”
SST: “Okay, that’s about it. Thank you very much.”
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