Monday, 4 March 2013

Unit 1: Pre production techniques for the creative media industries

Unit 1: Pre-Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries

I represent Furball Productions and Furball Productions have been approached by St Francis Xavier College and asked to produce a Corporate Promotion video. Furball Productions specialises in Corporate Promotion videos.


The source of finance is coming from the client, St Francis Xavier College. The company will be given a budget from the client to use for equipment, crew, transport, materials, clearance, crew, facility hire and any other necessities required to create a cooperate promo. Equipment includes cameras, boom microphones, and different camera lenses for different shot of different depths that Furball Productions do not own. Furball Productions also have to use the finance to pay for clearance for locations and using logos. The only time Furball Productions need transport is to move all of our equipment and personnel from our company building in central London to the location Furball Productions are filming. As said by Bryan Stroller ‘scheduling… efficiently is essential to saving time and money’ (Stroller, B M 2009, p 50).


Our company will make a schedule to keep within an eight week time limit to reduce cost and use time effectively so that Furball Productions can meet the scheduled deadlines. Time is money. This schedule will show the availability of equipment when Furball Productions receive any hired equipment that Furball Productions do not own, and when Furball Productions have to return the equipment and that is the same for any other contracts that may be on a time restriction. This is the same for the availability of personnel. In this time Furball Productions will also get a time scale for clearance on any location Furball Productions use or get the rights to any copyrighted items such as logos or sound track Furball Productions may use.


Furball Productions have identified that the main location for this Corporate Promotion will be near and around the client’s college and the college itself. Furball Productions will do this to show what the client’s college looks like and the area surrounding the college which is showing the transport systems near the college. Also, before Furball Productions start filming Furball Productions will do several recces of the areas Furball Productions will film in order to check nothing violates health and safety regulations and Furball Productions have a clearer idea of where Furball Productions want to film and anything that may be a concern or violates any rules or regulations is identified.

Some of the limitations the company may have are working around rush hours to avoid filming on the street during busy periods. If Furball Productions film during busy periods it gets in other peoples way, it gets in our way and it puts our equipment at risk of being damaged or stolen. In that time the company could film inside the college instead. Also, if the weather is bad then to avoid damage to the non-water resistant cameras and other equipment the filming will have to be conducted inside and away from windows to avoid shots of bad weather. There will be contingency plans for other setbacks throughout filming. The college is an original location and our company will be using a variety of settings within the college. To decrease the limitation of cost and risk of going over the budget Furball Productions will stick to the schedule.

Some examples of settings in the location:

*      The library

*      The Front entrance and information desk

*      The front gate

*      Classrooms

*      Dining room and common room

The size of the team working at Furball Productions is a group of three employees. Each has at least one role in the creative process; a producer, director, audio visual supervisor/sound engineer and an editor. A producer is in charge of all personnel and bringing each person’s work together. They work from the preproduction stages to the postproduction stages. The director is in charge of the filming and directs how things should look. This is only needed in the production stage whilst the editor goes over what the director has filmed and edits the work to remove any mistakes and put together all the wanted footage in the correct order. This process is conducted during the postproduction phase.

Any talent hired will have to submit a CV before they are accepted into the project. Payment to the talent and crew will come out of the client’s budget. Those already employed by Furball Productions are well qualified and experienced in their field with skills to complete any job given to them within their job description. They have the skills and resources to create a suitable and professional Corporate Promo. The company will make sure that everyone needed for the promo is available within the schedule.

When choosing the narrator the company shall check the biographies of the candidates, which will include previous jobs done, as well as CVs to see who is best suited for the position. As mentioned earlier Furball Productions will make sure that all talent and crew will be available within our eight week deadline and to reduce cost of having to keep people longer than needed.


The production equipment in use during filming will be excellent quality equipment including HD digital cameras, boom microphones and any lighting equipment necessary. Furball Productions will be filming inside and around the college and filming most areas of the building.
Another building facility which shall be in use will be an editing suite used by one of our qualified staff during the post-production stages using up-to-date editing programming (IMovie or Final Cut Pro) on Apple Mac computers to ensure a high quality production. Furball Productions will not need to use a facility house because Furball Productions are not filming in a studio and Furball Productions already have needed facilities in our company building.

Any outsourcing costs will be paid for using money given to the company from St Francis Xavier. Use of Facilities, like personnel, will be included in the schedule to keep within our time window and use time efficiently.


The company will need clearance to use the St Francis Xavier logo and any copyrighted music used during the promotional video. Other audio could be recorded by the company. Any money required buying or loaning the material will be funded by the client. Furball Productions have to buy or loan copyrighted logos or music because it is property of other people such as the St Francis Xavier logo is property of the client. Furball Productions may have to look through archives to gain some images. For example, if Furball Productions cannot or do not need a video image or if Furball Productions cannot get our own original image of the principal of the college Furball Productions can look through internet archives and get an image of her and put the still image into the Corporate Promo.

Other material would be cameras and sound equipment which, as mentioned earlier, will be hired for use if Furball Productions do not own them, and computers for digital video editing with excellent graphics. The use of animatic imagery will be offered to the client to improve the video or to make the video more entertaining if necessary. This is only an option if the client wants it. For example two animated students coming on to explain the promotion at the beginning of the production.

A script will be created if narration is required such as a welcome speech or introduction speech from the Principal of the college or narration that will be included. Also Furball Productions will script some questions to ask several students to get their opinions on the college if Furball Productions interview them. Furball Productions have used the internet to research the client’s last Corporate Promo and from other competitors to see different methods of filming and use of music or narration to create a successful promotional video.


There will be a mix of contributors and talent in this promotional video. One example of talent will be a narrator otherwise there will most likely be no other talent considered at this point. Contributors will be used such as staff or students of St Francis Xavier explaining college life or their opinion on the college. There will be no public contributors and any filming done in public areas will avoid facial shots unless the person/s is aware that they are being filmed.

The difference between a contributor and a talent is that a talent is a professional actor/actress who specialise in their field and they are paid for their job and will not be part of the client’s personnel in anyway such as student or staff and a contributor is someone who is not paid and is not a professional talent and they are used to voice opinions such as in the BBC. Before Furball Productions do film a contributor our company will ask for a biography of any previous work they have done to help us choose who suitable candidates to film are for a high quality promotion.

Codes of Practice and regulation

For Codes of practice and regulation it will be necessary to buy or loan clearances for any copyrighted music or logos used in the production. The company will ask for permission to use any copyright images or music for the promo to avoid complications and follow the rules of copyright. Furball Productions will also get clearance for location permissions so that the company is not trespassing. Also, there will be a health and safety contract included and insurance will be paid for using the money from the client or existing insurance will be used. The company will abide by the Health and Safety Executive rules because it is a legal requirement for every company. Examples of how Furball Productions will abide by health and safety rules is by taking breaks to not overwork anyone and a decent lunch break will be provided to give everyone a chance to rest and refuel so everyone is ready to work later. Also Furball Productions will make sure any wires are covered in plastic coating to avoid dangers and people near filming areas are aware that there may be wires lying about so that they know should be cautious of where they are stepping. Our producer is fully trained in health and safety regulations.

The Advertising Standard Authorities will regulate our work to check that it appropriate for the website to be viewed by all ages. As stated on the Ofcom website, 'Ofcom is the communications regulator' they 'regulate the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate' (Ofcom) so will not be necessary for the video. ASA, Advertising Standard Authority, is similar to Ofcom although they exist to check advertisement and make sure that it is truthful and appropriate for Furball websites or any other platform. Also, because the client is a college containing minors it will be necessary for the company to be checked using Ofsted safeguarding which specialises in working with schools and colleges and each employee will be checked for CRB, Criminal Record Bureau, to ensure that it is safe for them to work with and around the students. All this paper work will be checked by the regulatory bodies.


Health and Safety executive [] (15/09/12) 


Ofcom [] (15/09/12) 




Stroller, B M (2009). Filmmaking For Dummies, Wiley.



University of Gloucestershire [] (20/09/12)


Holmes, P, Baylis, P, Starkey, G (2007). Btec National Media Production, Heinemann


St Charles College [] (20/09/12)


St Francis Xavier College [] (20/09/12)

1 comment:

  1. yo its me tom lloyd and ive got no legs, this work is really good jk its shit
